I’m trying this wordpress thing again. I decided to write more and worpress lends itself more to longer texts than tumblr. I decided to use tumblr for my “how many movies do I watch” project. I’m at 84. I name each movie I watch and I write short comment. Sometimes the comments are very short, especially when the movie is really bad. 🙂
But here on wordpress I want to try and write longer texts, maybe even with some content. I actually have a lot so say, I’m just too lazy to do it. But hopefully my new macbook air is helping me with that. So far it has improved my productivity.
As for my other writing; I’m currently waiting to get feedback about the first act of that bird movie. I guess I will write an angry mail after I finish this. But so far the feeling I have about that project is very good. One could argue that the story is very classic but at least it works. But I don’t want to spoil everything. 🙂
I’m also in the middle of planning a research/vacation trip in summer. I’m going to the US of A. I’m really looking forward to that and I’m already picking out nice places to just sit and write. I also bought a new camera. I need to take a lot of pictures in New York (that’s the research trip) for the screenplay. New York plays an important part in the story and I have to make sure I get the details right.
But the main reason for the trip is Comic Con. I was really lucky so far. I survived the ticket and hotel nightmare and I not only have a 4-Day pass but also a hotel room next to the convention center. It’s going to be awesome. 🙂
So I have to write that mail now. Take care. I promise to be back soon.