Sorry, I’m a few days behind. I had a cold and carnival happened (I swear, that was the order) and some schoolwork needed to be dealt with as well. If I’m really honest, there were those Assassin’s Creed games but I don’t feel this today so let’s dive right in, this is going to be a short one.
One Screenplay: I wanted to read something short with a lot of (good) dialogue so I read the pilot script for “The West Wing. Aaron Sorkin ist a great writer and “West Wing” has a special place in my heart, I think it turned me into a leftie but that’s not the reason I read it. It’s a good example of how characters (and there politics in this case) are revealed through dialogue.

It’s like Batman in London.
Two Movies: I watched the two Sherlock Holmes movies on Netflix. The first one is decent, the second one just doesn’t work for me. Due to playing Assassin’s Creed Syndicate I was in a Victorian mood and that’s why I ended up watching those two. To be honest, those Assassin’s Creed games, I played Black Flag and Syndicate are way better at telling a story as most movies, especially Black Flag, one of the best Pirate movies I ever played through. The ending of Syndicate isn’t that great but the world and the characters is just awesome.
Seven Pages: Still on it. I’m rewriting the beginning and I should have some new pages (around 25) by the weekend.
Seven hours of development: Orlindo wrote a first scene and fleshed out his outline so I gave him my two cents. I had some nitpicking to do and raised some big questions. Ultimately my biggest concern was the lack of stakes (who am I to talk, my movie has no stakes at all).
Actually this is it for this week, I need to get some pages done and this blogging thing is fun and everything but the pages are more important. If you want to read more head over to Orlindo’s site, his posts are a bit longer.
Bei dir wars Fasnacht, bei mir Berlinale. Aber Schluss mit faulen Ausreden! 😀 Bin gespannt!
AC Syndicate reizt mich irgendwie nicht mehr. Dann lieber direkt (wie du schon sagtest) ein echtes Arkham Knight spielen oder AC2/Black Flag rausholen um gute Story in einer dichten Open World zu erleben. Vikt. London und eine Grapple Gun ist mir da bisschen wenig. Oder gibts sonst was was für das Spiel spricht?