Wow, second post within a week. what’s wrong with me, ah yeah, I remember, I got inspired. So let’s ride that wave as long as its there.
Inspiration is one of those things that you can try and hunt down but you might as well wait until it comes along on its own…and I can’t believe that I just wrote that crappy sentence because it kind of sounds right but it’s total bullcrap. Sure, it might seem from time to time that inspiration just hits you out of nowhere but you’re lying to yourself if you think that the hours, days, weeks or whatever that lead up to that moment weren’t as important as the moment itself.

Screw the light bulb!
Inspiration is often described as the moment someone switches on a light bulb and I actually quite like that image but it is misleading. Inspiration is not just the moment the light is switched on, it’s everything leading up to that moment. Before I can switch on my light bulb I have to build a house, makes sure the wiring is correct, actually buy a bulb, screw it in (insert you how many … does it need two score in a light bulb jokes) pay the utilities and maybe, maybe if none (especially me) made a mistake, then maybe I can switch the light on.
So what am I trying to say here. Inspiration isn’t a moment, it’s a process. You have to work for it, you have to earn it and sure, life is hard but unfair and they are those people that seem to get inspired all the time without any effort but I have news for you. Either their ideas are crap or they are just screwing with us and pretend that everything comes easy to them. Don’t ask me why they do that, some people are just dicks.
But anyway, if you want to be inspired, you have to work for it. Do interesting and new things, met new and interesting people and make an effort, the longer it takes, the better the idea. Picture it like a mountain, the loner and harder the walk, the better the view.
So, that’s it for today. I have to get back to enjoy the view and write some pages.