I’m a master procrastinator, so working from home is a dangerous game for me, but these first two and a half days of “Corona Time” have been surprisingly productive. Communication with students seems to be working, and most of them are hard at work. One big challenge will be ensuring no one falls through the cracks.
I listened to a couple of voice memos my students made while discussing a book—it worked great! Honestly, why didn’t I think of this earlier? Another class is writing their results in the ClassNotebook while discussing current events. If there’s one good thing to come out of all this, it’s that more people in schools are embracing the possibilities modern technology provides. I count myself among them.
I promised you some insight into my day, so here it is.
I get up around 7 and take a morning stroll. By 8, I’m back home, and by 8:30, I’m in “the office.” I usually start by checking emails and answering questions. After that, I make sure all my classes for the day have enough work prepared (though I obviously set up most of it earlier, just in case questions arise). As I mentioned, I listened to some voice memos today and started working on a little treat for my students… I might finally go full John Oliver. But more on that another time.
I also adjusted some teams, watched a few tutorials, and before I knew it, it was lunchtime. After lunch, it was more of the same, with a quick break to help my dad in the garden. I’m trying to make sure I step out of the “office” regularly.
I plan to break early today. I’ll still listen to a few memos and answer messages, but I’ve worked enough for one day. Tomorrow is a holiday, so no work for my students. I might even sleep in. I also need to correct an exam from last week, which I’ll probably tackle tomorrow or Friday. I’ve definitely put in my hours over the past few days, so I think I’ve earned a bit of rest.
I’ll definitely blog tomorrow—I’m planning to share some recommendations for things to watch, read, and listen to.
Let me end today with a little tease: Stay tuned! 😊

Coming Soon…